Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I am a slacker!

Don't worry kids it has only been OVER TWO YEARS since I posted a blog. I figured since it is 2 in the morning and I can't sleep (as Ryan would so kindly point out - obviously I am not trying when I am sitting up and on the computer in a bright room), I would occupy my time on the computer. I was creeping on a few blogs and thought maybe I should write my own - except I couldn't even remember the name of my own blog so that took about an hour out of my time. Oops! Anyway, clearly I am not a dedicated blogger if I can't even remember the name of my own.

In the past year so many things have happened that it would be impossible to update

Here are some of the things that come to my mind at 2 in the morning

-We bought a brand new townhouse!! This is quite an accomplishment for me as I have not only moved every summer for door-to-door sales, but even then I haven't stayed in the same place for very long. It is such a great feeling to have a home:) But even still, there are so many amazing ways I could dream of decorating it if I didn't spend so much money on clothes or fruits and veggies at costco. I know, pretty embarrassing that I am a food hoarder. I don't feel like we have enough food unless our fridge is stocked top to bottom of fruits and veggies.

-We adopted! Muffin is the best baby we could have ever imagined! A little on the hairy side - but for a great dane/mastiff she sure is sweet! We love her to pieces and she sure is spoiled. I try to take her everywhere with me, although it is unacceptable to have a 160 pound dog in most places - boo!

- Ryan graduated from BYU - with a Degree in Ecenomics and a minor in politics. Although you would think he majored in politics with all his facebook posts:) There is one show he got me into - and that is one that is late at night - I can't remember the name of it but maybe red light....

-Ryan started his career - currently at insidesales.com and as far as I know he is loving it!

-We are not doing summer sales - I honestly don't know how I feel about this - I get the itch to knock doors and right now I am pretty bored only working part time from home doing eyelash extensions. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my clients:) It is just during the day when I am not doing anything I get bored. I strongly dislike TV I get too bored and I work mostly afternoons and evenings and so I don't get to spend too much time with Ryan because when he gets home from work I am working. It will be an interesting transition going from the fast paced, big money of summer sales, to working part time but it will be nice to spend time together on Saturday in the Summer and not have to work:)

-I went to Cambodia with a good friend:) Amazing experience! I will cry if I even start to write about the experience because I miss everything about it! And the words I have would not even do it justice so I better not try.

-I started a garden - well this was only this year - besides the fact that we live in a townhouse I should really call it a greenhouse but you catch my drift. If anything decides to sprout I will be sure to share the wealth but just a heads up do not use miracle gro potting soil to grow radishes - the nitrogen promotes growth in the leaves and you will just have a bunch of radish leaves with roots and no radish on the end.

-My grandad passed away. I am really glad that I was able to go to Wales for the funeral and see him one last time and sing a song for him and my nanny. It is a shame that I wasn't able to stay for very long but fun that I came back with my dad and Yan and Timmy and Benji and got to spend some quality time with them:)  I love visiting family over there, it seems like I haven't even been gone a week the way we can just pick right up! Family is the best! Every time I go back to England I want to move there. But then I remember that I would have half the money because of the exchange rate and everything costs triple the price. And so I realise I would be living in a cardboard box and my family might not want to hang out with me if I don't shower or brush my teeth. In fact Ryan definitely wouldn't.....

Too many moments have happened but I don't want to be too tired to miss some good ones tomorrow so I am off to bed - I will try to check in before the next two years pass by.........


Ps if you can't tell who is who in the above photo then obviously we aren't friends!